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THE MENOPAUSE THYROID SOLUTION: Overcome Menopause by Solving Your Hidden Thyroid Problems

Fatigue...Weight Gain...Mood Changes...


Is It Perimenopause or Menopause? Or Is It Really Your Thyroid?


From New York Times bestselling author and nationally recognized patient advocate Mary J. Shomon comes a groundbreaking guide to safely managing menopause through a better understanding of and better care for your thyroid.


If you're one of the forty million American women struggling through menopause, you probably know all about the symptoms of fatigue, weight gain, and depression. 

But what you may not know is that the drop in reproductive hormones frequently triggers a thyroid slowdown—a "thyropause"—that can be the main cause for those troublesome symptoms. In fact, you may not even need hormone therapy, wild yam and progesterone creams, or herbs like black cohosh for a symptom-free menopause. 


What you really need is to begin to pay attention to your thyroid.


In The Menopause Thyroid Solution, Mary J. Shomon will help you:


  • Recognize the symptoms of a thyroid problem versus those of menopause

  • Learn how to get your problems diagnosed and treated

  • Find out what and how to eat, what medications to consider, what supplements to take, and what lifestyle changes to make

  • Improve your metabolism and increase your energy


BUY NOW FROM AMAZON.COM: Paperback  | Kindle


© 2021 by Mary Shomon.
Chelaberry Court
Gaithersburg, MD 20879 
Email | Phone: 919-714-7185

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